Alchemer Digital Delivers Omni-channel Customer Engagement Across Digital Properties
Digital leaders can listen to and communicate with customers through the digital channels where their
Digital leaders can listen to and communicate with customers through the digital channels where their
Exclusive Recipes, Entertaining Tips, Product Preferences and Tickets to In-Store Events Are Now Available at
New research hub features economist commentary on market indicators and insights from ZipRecruiter marketplace and
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#IR—ICR, a leading strategic communications and advisory firm, is pleased to announce that
Addition of Experian Verify™ and Borrower Assisted Verification creates comprehensive verification solution with customization options
ANN ARBOR, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#holidayshopping–The holiday season is quickly approaching, and retailers better be on alert
フィーラが新しい技術仕様とユースケースにより、超広帯域無線のエコシステムの範囲と相互運用性を強化 米オレゴン州ビーバートン–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(ビジネスワイヤ) –フィーラ(FiRa®)・コンソーシアムは、大きな進歩を遂げた技術仕様であるフィーラMAC、PHY、UCI技術仕様バージョン2.0が利用可能になったと発表しました。この技術仕様では、ハードウェア、RF通信、超広帯域無線(UWB)測距プロトコル、測距デバイスの動作が規定されています。この最新の仕様は、チップセット、デバイス、サービスインフラをまたいで相互運用可能なUWBエコシステムの実現に向けて、一歩前進したことを示しています。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting Displays with HARMAN
BEIJING, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — During the 19th Asian Games, the charming city of
FiRa erweitert Umfang und Interoperabilität des Ultra-Breitbandökosystems mit neuen technischen Spezifikationen und Nutzungsfällen BEAVERTON, Oregon–(BUSINESS
FiRa正在透過新技術規範和使用案例進一步擴大超寬頻生態系統的範圍和相互操作性 俄勒岡州比弗頓–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)– FiRa® Consortium宣布其技術規範《FiRa MAC、PHY和UCI技術規範》(2.0版)取得重大進展,對硬體、射頻通訊、超寬頻(UWB)測距協議和測距裝置的行為做出了規定。這些更新後的規範代表著在實現跨晶片組、裝置和服務基礎設施的可交互操作UWB生態系統方面向前邁出了一大步。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting Displays
Total revenue of $276.2 million, up 21.2% versus 2022, including $265.0 million of Shack sales
New Record Total Fee Revenue of $250 Million Pipeline Expands to New High of 123,000
HAMILTON, Bermuda–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Essent Group Ltd. (NYSE: ESNT) today reported net income for the quarter ended
Mary Schust to Spearhead Latest Offering from ANV JERSEY CITY, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ANV Global Services, a
AI software adds brain power to your camera; improves productivity and efficiency, reduces human error,
New XR app provides on-demand access to the same workouts from thousands of studios around
The company’s cutting-edge GPS solution significantly improves accuracy and reliability, delivering critical new capabilities and
LONDON & STAMFORD, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Harnessing digital automation technology to transform people’s experiences in its commercial
LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Xsolla, a global video game commerce company, announces the inaugural edition of “The
FiRa正在通过新技术规范和用例进一步扩大超宽带生态系统的范围和互操作性 比弗顿,俄勒冈州–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)– FiRa® Consortium宣布其技术规范《FiRa MAC、PHY和UCI技术规范》(2.0版)取得重大进展,从而能够规定硬件、射频通信、超宽带 (UWB) 测距协议和测距设备的行为。这些更新规范表明在实现跨芯片组、设备和服务基础设施的可互操作UWB生态系统方面向前迈出了一步。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling