New Virtual Reality Immersive Learning Lab on Lewy Body Dementia with Parkinson’s Disease Transforms Health Care Training and Family Caregiver Education
LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — As the leader in immersive virtual reality (VR) health
LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — As the leader in immersive virtual reality (VR) health
PITTSBURGH, June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — From ideation to design to manufacturing and operations, ANSYS (NASDAQ:
Recent Research Shows Younger African-Americans Invest at Lower Rates Than Other Americans In Their Age
New Lighthouse features aimed at ensuring the network edge is as resilient as the core
BREA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kanex®, an innovative leader in Apple-certified connectivity solutions, today announced a new line
More than just an email app, Edison will alert you when the price drops on
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Is America’s Favorite Smartphone ANN ARBOR, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–As wireless telephone service
Aramark partner ballparks and colleges named among the most vegan-friendly by PETA PHILADELPHIA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–$ARMK #plantbased—Aramark
GIBLIB Launches Educational Video Series to Improve Transgender Patient Care; Shares Gender Reassignment Surgeries and
FRAMINGHAM, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#AR–Worldwide spending on augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) is forecast to reach
コーディング、スクリプト、ライセンス不要でアプリは自動公開 米カリフォルニア州サンタクララ–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(ビジネスワイヤ) — AWE USA — サンノゼの拡張現実(AR)シリコンバレー新興企業のPlugXRは本日、ARオーサリング・プラットフォームのPlugXRクリエイターを機能強化してPTCのVuforia®エンジン・プラットフォームとシームレスに統合したと発表しました。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — A new Bitcoin documentary, “Bit x Bit: In Bitcoin
无需编程或脚本;无需许可;应用可自动发布 加州圣塔克拉拉–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–美国增强现实世界博览会(AWE USA)——位于圣何塞的增强现实(AR)硅谷创业公司PlugXR, Inc.今天宣布通过无缝集成PTC的Vuforia® Engine平台,增强其AR创作平台PlugXR Creator。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting
無需編碼或指令碼;無需授權;應用程式可自動發布 加州聖塔克拉拉–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)–美國擴增實境世界博覽會(AWE USA)——位於聖荷西的擴增實境(AR)矽谷新創公司PlugXR, Inc.今天宣布透過順暢整合PTC的Vuforia® Engine平臺,增強其AR創作平臺PlugXR Creator。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting
Packed with All-New Features and Apps, plus Sidecar Expands Mac Workspace with iPad Read moreSeoul
GEEN codering of scripts; GEEN licenties; automatische publicatie van apps SANTA CLARA, Californië–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AWE USA
COLUMBUS, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#PARCS–In response to parking operators’ and owners’ demands to modernize their operations, increase
Users will be able to install fonts from Monotype with the upcoming release of iOS
Breakthrough SwiftUI Framework, ARKit 3 and New Xcode Tools Make Developing Powerful Apps Easier and
SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today introduced the all-new Mac Pro®, a completely redesigned, breakthrough workstation