State Warns Distracted Driving Still a Problem
TxDOT and AT&T It Can Wait join efforts again and use virtual reality to illustrate
TxDOT and AT&T It Can Wait join efforts again and use virtual reality to illustrate
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The nonprofit Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH)® Partnership
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — OTOY, Inc. unveiled Octane X – the 10th
LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — As the leader in immersive virtual reality (VR) health
PITTSBURGH, June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — From ideation to design to manufacturing and operations, ANSYS (NASDAQ:
Recent Research Shows Younger African-Americans Invest at Lower Rates Than Other Americans In Their Age
New Lighthouse features aimed at ensuring the network edge is as resilient as the core
BREA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kanex®, an innovative leader in Apple-certified connectivity solutions, today announced a new line
More than just an email app, Edison will alert you when the price drops on
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Is America’s Favorite Smartphone ANN ARBOR, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–As wireless telephone service
Aramark partner ballparks and colleges named among the most vegan-friendly by PETA PHILADELPHIA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–$ARMK #plantbased—Aramark
GIBLIB Launches Educational Video Series to Improve Transgender Patient Care; Shares Gender Reassignment Surgeries and
FRAMINGHAM, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#AR–Worldwide spending on augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) is forecast to reach
コーディング、スクリプト、ライセンス不要でアプリは自動公開 米カリフォルニア州サンタクララ–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(ビジネスワイヤ) — AWE USA — サンノゼの拡張現実(AR)シリコンバレー新興企業のPlugXRは本日、ARオーサリング・プラットフォームのPlugXRクリエイターを機能強化してPTCのVuforia®エンジン・プラットフォームとシームレスに統合したと発表しました。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., June 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — A new Bitcoin documentary, “Bit x Bit: In Bitcoin
无需编程或脚本;无需许可;应用可自动发布 加州圣塔克拉拉–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–美国增强现实世界博览会(AWE USA)——位于圣何塞的增强现实(AR)硅谷创业公司PlugXR, Inc.今天宣布通过无缝集成PTC的Vuforia® Engine平台,增强其AR创作平台PlugXR Creator。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting
無需編碼或指令碼;無需授權;應用程式可自動發布 加州聖塔克拉拉–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)–美國擴增實境世界博覽會(AWE USA)——位於聖荷西的擴增實境(AR)矽谷新創公司PlugXR, Inc.今天宣布透過順暢整合PTC的Vuforia® Engine平臺,增強其AR創作平臺PlugXR Creator。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting
Packed with All-New Features and Apps, plus Sidecar Expands Mac Workspace with iPad Read moreSeoul
GEEN codering of scripts; GEEN licenties; automatische publicatie van apps SANTA CLARA, Californië–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AWE USA
COLUMBUS, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#PARCS–In response to parking operators’ and owners’ demands to modernize their operations, increase