Assimilate Scratch + ProRes Raw Explained: Part 1
ProRes RAW is an ideal format for creating wide-gamut, high-dynamic range (HDR) content because it captures the full dynamic range and color gamut of the camera sensor.
In this video Mazze from Assimilate takes a look at what ProRes RAW actually is, what differentiates it from a conventional ProRes files and why it is a fantastic and incredibly flexible format to work with.

Apple ProRes RAW white paper: apple.com/final-cut-pro
Learn more about Assimilate Scratch: assimilateinc.com/products
Learn more about ProRes RAW in Atomos: atomos.com/proresraw
Assimilate is currently offering a FREE LICENSE for Scratch until the end of October 2020. Hurry don’t miss your chance to benefit from the free trial. Head over to: assimilateinc.com NOW!