Digital Media Net - Your Gateway To Digital media Creation. News and information on Digital Video, VR, Animation, Visual Effects, Mac Based media. Post Production, CAD, Sound and Music

Mary Kay Inc. prezentuje biznesowe uzasadnienie dla udzielania zamówień z uwzględnieniem perspektywy płci podczas Szczytu Różnorodności w Pradze (Czechy)

2 years ago

Mary Kay wspiera programy sprzyjające różnorodności dostawców oraz opowiada się za udzielaniem zamówień z uwzględnieniem perspektywy płci, postrzegając je jako…

A Mary Kay Inc. a nemek közötti egyenlőséget érvényesítő beszerzés mellett érvelt a prágai diverzitás csúcstalálkozón

2 years ago

A Mary Kay szerint a sokszínűséget hirdető beszállítói programok és a nemek közötti egyenlőséget érvényesítő beszerzés hatékony stratégiai eszközök az…

Keysight Technologies to Award $30,000 USD to Winner of Innovation Challenge

2 years ago

Teams of US and international engineering students gather in Santa Rosa to compete to create an Internet of Things (IoT)-based…

Blackmagic Design Announces DaVinci Resolve for iPad

2 years ago

New DaVinci Resolve for iPad gives a new generation of creators Hollywood quality editing and color correction tools! Fremont, CA, USA -…

Analog Way Aquilon C Drives Software Developer’s New Executive Briefing Center

2 years ago

Boston’s AVH Technology Partners selected an Analog Way Aquilon C to be at the heart of a new Executive Briefing…

Obsidian Mastering Adds PMC 6-2 Monitors To Its Range Of High End Audio Equipment

2 years ago

Producer and engineer Laurens van Oers says the clarity of these loudspeakers is already making his mixing and mastering projects…

New Immersive Dolby Atmos Studio, Instrumentoz, Relies on KRK ROKITs

2 years ago

While the immersive audio sphere may have exploded in popularity over the past year, it is still generally regarded as…

Future Forum Study Reveals Executives Are Feeling the Strain of Leading in the “New Normal”

2 years ago

Executive experience scores for overall satisfaction at work have dropped 15% over the last year Burnout is on the rise…

Take Flight and Go Full Maverick With Turtle Beach’s All-New Designed for Xbox Velocityone Flightstick

2 years ago

Go Ballistic, Go Vertical, Switch to Guns, Switch Back to Missiles, and Go Mach 10.2 with Your Digital Hair on…

Enabling Vendor-Agnostic Data Analytics, Dremio’s Open Lakehouse Delivers Full Apache Iceberg Support—as Iceberg Hits Major Milestone

2 years ago

Offering the combined benefits of data lakes and data warehouses, Dremio’s open lakehouse architecture, built on production-ready Iceberg 1.0, now…