Reputation Reboot: What Every Business Leader, Rising Star & VIP Needs to Know
Shannon Wilkinson’s must-read guide on how to establish, repair or rebrand, your online reputation.
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#crisis–Whether you are a CEO, C-suite level executive, entrepreneur, rising star, or VIP, you have an online reputation, whether you want it or not. If you are not actively managing your online reputation, you aren’t in control of it, and are leaving others to control it for you — with potentially dangerous results.
In this insider’s E-guide now available on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks, Reputation Communications founder Shannon Wilkinson tells you what you need to know about online reputation management and why it is a crucial tool for the Internet age. You will also gain actionable insight on:
- common issues faced by high net worth individuals
- how online reputations are damaged
- CEO, board and executive missteps to avoid
- when it is possible—and when it isn’t—to make online content disappear
- identifying misleading guarantees from less-reputable online reputation management firms
- essential reputation management practices
Succinct and written from an insider’s viewpoint, this invaluable guide is a must for any business leader, C-Suite executive, public figure and other individual with high visibility — and those who aspire to have that reach — seeking to establish, repair, rebrand, or simply clean up their online reputation.
Author Shannon Wilkinson is a nationally recognized expert in online reputation management. Her New York City-based firm Reputation Communications has advised attorneys, investment, FinTech & financial services firms; Forbes 400 philanthropists, Fortune 500 executives and many other types of clients. Her analysis of corporate crisis management by companies like Equifax, Purdue Pharma, UBER and others have appeared in The Wall Street Journal. She is the chief blogger at You(Online): The Magazine and tweets @reputationnews.
Carol Thompson 212-836-4372