Prime Day Phone Deals (2021): Top Galaxy, iPhone, OnePlus, Google Pixel & More Smartphone Deals Reviewed by Save Bubble

The latest Prime Day cell phone deals for 2021, featuring the Apple iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy S21 (Ultra), Google Pixel 5, OnePlus 9 & more deals

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Prime Day experts have found all the best phone deals for Prime Day, featuring savings on Pixel 4a, Samsung Note 20, iPhone SE & OnePlus 8 mobile devices. Browse the full range of deals by clicking the links listed below.

Best OnePlus & Android cell phone deals:

Best iPhone deals:

Best unlocked Samsung Galaxy deals:

Best unlocked Google Pixel deals:

Best unlocked iPhone deals:

More unlocked cell phone deals:

Best Samsung Galaxy deals:

Best Google Pixel deals:

Want some more deals? We recommend checking Walmart’s Deals for Days sale and Amazon’s Prime Day page for more discounts across a huge range of products. Save Bubble earns commissions from purchases made using the links provided.

Shopping for a new cell phone is a considerable undertaking, since it has become so indispensable and ubiquitous in everyday life. For most, the starting point is deciding whether to go for an Apple iPhone or an Android model, since these two platforms have quite drastic differences with their own benefits and disadvantages. Android smartphones are much more extensive, with top mobile phones such as the Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel, OnePlus and many more. Those who prefer unlocked versions will find plenty to choose from on Amazon instead of going directly to a carrier.

About Save Bubble: Save Bubble round-up the latest online sales news. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate Save Bubble earns from qualifying purchases.


Andy Mathews (


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