Henry Schein Medical Announces Availability of VisualDx
Clinical Decision Support System Offered by VisualDx to Health Care Professionals for 90 Days at No Cost
MELVILLE, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Henry Schein Medical, the U.S. medical business of Henry Schein, Inc., announced today the availability of VisualDx to assist health care professionals seeing patients virtually or in person amid the novel COVID-19 outbreak. The web-based, clinical decision support system is designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient care, all critically important for clinicians on the front lines of medicine.
VisualDx, which can be accessed from a computer desktop, tablet or mobile application, helps health care professionals navigate diagnostic challenges by using the software to enhance clinical decision-making. With VisualDx, a clinician can build a custom differential diagnosis; search by disease for quick therapy and treatment options; review and compare a curated medical image library; understand medication reactions; and share patient handouts via email.
“As health care professionals treat and diagnose patients amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it is an opportune time to leverage VisualDx to provide solutions health care providers can rely on to deliver fast, high-quality health care and offer accurate diagnosis and treatment,” said Michael Casamassa, Vice President of Solutions, Henry Schein Medical. “VisualDx will help providers who are still seeing patients in their physical setting, as well as those using our telemedicine solution, Medpod®, to help augment their thinking when treating and diagnosing patients.”
Available as one of Henry Schein Medical’s SolutionHub™ clinical support solutions, VisualDx can support common and complex diagnostic cases including rashes, variant presentations of symptoms, and emerging infectious diseases. The software is relevant for a range of health care specialties, including: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Urgent Care, Infectious Disease, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Risk Management, and Medical Education.
“We are proud to team up with Henry Schein, a fellow New York company, to provide our health care workers with the tools needed to ‘raise the line’ via virtual care and decision support solutions,” said Art Papier, MD, CEO of VisualDx. “We applaud all clinicians, both on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic and those handling the rest of medicine. We believe our decision support software provides clinicians with the aid needed to handle important diagnoses and gives worried patients peace of mind as well.”
In order to participate in VisualDx’s 90 day offer, health care professionals have to activate their account with VisualDx by May 31 to receive VisualDx for up to 90 days, at no cost, with no credit card required. To sign up for this VisualDx offer, visit www.visualdx.com/raisetheline. To learn more about Henry Schein Medical’s SolutionsHub, visit https://www.henryscheinsolutionshub.com/.
About Henry Schein, Inc.
Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC) is a solutions company for health care professionals powered by a network of people and technology. With more than 19,000 Team Schein Members worldwide, the Company’s network of trusted advisors provides more than 1 million customers globally with more than 300 valued solutions that improve operational success and clinical outcomes. Our Business, Clinical, Technology, and Supply Chain solutions help office-based dental and medical practitioners work more efficiently so they can provide quality care more effectively. These solutions also support dental laboratories, government and institutional healthcare clinics, as well as other alternate care sites. Henry Schein operates through a centralized and automated distribution network, with a selection of more than 120,000 branded products and Henry Schein private-brand products in stock, as well as more than 180,000 additional products available as special-order items.
A FORTUNE 500 Company and a member of the S&P 500® index, Henry Schein is headquartered in Melville, N.Y., and has operations or affiliates in 31 countries. The Company’s sales from continuing operations reached $10.0 billion in 2019, and have grown at a compound annual rate of approximately 13 percent since Henry Schein became a public company in 1995.
For more information, visit Henry Schein at www.henryschein.com, Facebook.com/HenrySchein, and @HenrySchein on Twitter.
About VisualDx:
VisualDx is a Rochester, NY-based company dedicated to improving healthcare decision making and reducing diagnostic errors. Its professional product, VisualDx, is the award-winning diagnostic clinical decision support system that has become the standard professional resource at more than 2,300 hospitals worldwide and over half the U.S. medical schools.
VisualDx is also dedicated to empowering patients and consumers and is the maker of Aysa, a consumer A.I. enabled dermatology app available for iOS and Android and skinsight.com. Aysa enables consumers to take a picture of a rash or skin issue and get guidance on next steps.
VisualDx, along with its consumer tool Aysa, combines problem oriented clinical search with the world’s best curated medical image library, plus medical knowledge from experts and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to help with differential diagnosis, variation, treatment, and patient communication.
Ann Marie Gothard
Vice President, Corporate Media Relations
(631) 390-8169