Clearwing Systems Integration Installs Ayrton Diablos and Robert Juliat Roxies in Wisconsin’s Waterford Union High School
Clearwing Systems Integration (systems.clearwing.com) provided systems design and integration for the LED lighting upgrade, featuring Ayrton Diablo profile luminaires and Robert Juliat Roxie followspots, in Waterford Union High School’s auditorium and other venues. Both brands are exclusively distributed in North America by ACT Lighting, Inc.
Clearwing was charged with modernizing the high school’s outdated lighting inventory from house lights to theatrical instruments as they migrate from conventional and tungsten-based fixtures to an all-LED roster. Waterford Union High School is located approximately 25 miles southwest of Clearwing’s Milwaukee office .
“Flexibility and performance were the biggest factors in lighting fixture selection, along with the energy and cost savings that went along with moving to LEDs,” says Mitch Van Dyke, Engineering & Estimation at Clearwing Systems Integration. “The school trusted us to get the best lighting we could for their budget.”
Clearwing chose Ayrton Diablos for permanent installation in the school’s auditorium, which is used for student theatrical productions, administrative meetings and a summer theater camp as well as rented to others in the community in need of a theatrical venue. Clearwing revamped the auditorium’s audio system last year.
“They needed a highly capable moving head fixture to add to their traditional theatrical lighting plot,” Van Dyke notes. “The Diablos’ extensive zoom range, high-quality color mixing and framing, all wrapped into a sleek package, made these fixtures a solid choice to complement the conventional plot.”
He says the Diablos’ small form factor was also important to their selection. “They wanted a moving head that would give them everything they were looking for from gobo washes to front light specials in a small size that fit seamlessly into the rig. And the Diablos delivered.”
Clearwing opted for Robert Juliat Roxie followspots to light multiple venues at the school, including the auditorium, the gym for assemblies and the commons area, which hosts comedy club shows.
“The Roxies are portable in contrast to their old spots that were big and clunky,” says Van Dyke. “They operate on a standard 15-amp circuit and still have really good output. The zoom ratio works well for the theatrical throw as well as in the gym and commons. And they’re easy for student operators, who don’t necessarily have a lot of experience, to use. In addition, the technical director loved having DMX control over the dimmer. The Roxies’ small form factor, energy efficiency and ease of use made us confident they will be a good fit for years to come.”
“We were delighted to help Clearwing select equipment that is a perfect fit for Waterford Union High School,” says Aaron Hubbard, ACT Lighting’s Regional Sales Manager. “The Ayrton Diablos and Robert Juliat Roxies are sure to deliver the flexibility and performance the school tasked Clearwing with providing.”