Perfect Corp. Debuts New AI Face Analyzer Technology for a Tailored Consumer Shopping Experience
The cutting-edge technology utilizes AI advancements to help brands better understand their customers’ facial attributes
The cutting-edge technology utilizes AI advancements to help brands better understand their customers’ facial attributes
NEEDHAM, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#3rdPlatform–International Data Corporation (IDC) recently published a series of 3rd Platform Industry Spending
為紀念這一里程碑,遊戲特邀請玩家參加為期一週、驚喜連連的特別活動 舊金山–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)–互動娛樂領域的全球領導者Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA)今天宣佈,公司將舉辦為期一週的特別活動,以慶祝旗下的魔法三消手機遊戲《Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells》發佈一週年。即日起,歡迎全球各地的粉絲參加為期七天的慶祝活動,並有機會獲得遊戲中的禮物,參與各項活動,在抽獎中贏得豐厚獎品並體驗全新內容,以紀念這一重要時刻。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel
为纪念这一里程碑,游戏特邀请玩家参加为期一周、惊喜连连的特别活动 旧金山–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–互动娱乐领域的全球领导者Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA)今天宣布,公司将举办为期一周的特别活动,以庆祝旗下的魔法三消手机游戏《Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells》发布一周年。即日起,欢迎全球各地的粉丝参加为期七天的庆祝活动,并有机会获得游戏中的礼物,参与各项活动,在抽奖中赢得丰厚奖品并体验全新内容,以此纪念这一重要时刻。 Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel
New machine learning powered capability in Amazon QuickSight lets anyone type questions about their business
The longstanding relationship between Las Vegas-based Coherent Design and Analog Way has spanned at least a
Hexnode announces new functionalities for remote management, User enrollment for iOS devices, support for Android
Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel Creates Dazzling Lighting Displays with HARMAN Professional SolutionsSAN RAMON,
13-foot-high, over 100-foot-long LED screens, Unreal Engine Software, among key new features of the 43,000-square-foot
Strike’s API Enables Global Payments for Consumers, Marketplaces, and Merchants Read moreSeoul Dragon City Hotel
Le aziende potranno ora facilmente adattarsi agli interessi e alle preferenze dei clienti con strategie
iSIZE Technologies Will Provide Gains in Video Compression WAKEFIELD, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Alliance for Open Media
Insight Public Sector serves as principal partner teaming 16 global solutions leaders with government agencies
Starting Nov. 1, UnitedHealthcare fully insured members in most states will be eligible to sign
CPK and STOMP Out Bullying, the leading national anti-bullying and cyberbullying organization in the U.S.,
Merken kunnen zich nu snel aanpassen aan de interesses en voorkeuren van de klant met
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#earnedwageaccess—When I Work, a Minnesota-based leading scheduling and time-tracking platform, and Clair, a
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#Nextvein–NextVein LLC today announced a breakthrough product that makes vein visualization affordable for
Technology leader showcases new innovative storage and dock solutions for the video industry OWC®, the premier
Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology Creates a Versatile Auditorium With HARMAN Professional Solutions KVIK