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PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Chargeway, an industry leading electric vehicle (EV) software platform, to be a company featured in Big Ben: An…
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ZipRecruiter®, a leading online employment marketplace, today announced that the company will report fourth quarter and full…
Embedded fintech platform wraps 2022 with new clients, team members and innovations PROVO, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ASA is an embedded fintech platform…
ViewSonic’s Most Connect Display Yet, the CDE30 Displays Provide Always-on Numerous Ways to Connect and Share Content BREA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#4K--ViewSonic…
American Express Business Blueprint™ provides free cash flow insights and 24/7 access to a suite of digital financial products—all from…
New feature allows homebuyers and renters to create customized lists of their favorite homes and share them with their search…
—Price declines will continue across many markets, but those declines would have to be substantial to erase all of the…
Takashi Kiso, a Senior Administrator of the Global Office of Tadano, to join Board of Directors BRIDGEVIEW, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$MNTX #Governance--Manitex…
伴隨對Dream Hotel Group的收購、Caption by Hyatt 品牌的全球擴張以及凱悅全球飯店組合的有機成長,凱悅的轉型成長仍在繼續 芝加哥--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--凱悅酒店集團(Hyatt Hotels Corporation, NYSE: H)今天表示,凱悅為2023年及以後的持續轉型成長做好了準備。截至2022年底,凱悅全球籌建客房數量達到約117,000間的創紀錄水準。值得注意的是,其中近四分之一的籌建飯店為生活型態飯店,占現有飯店總數的10%,進一步鞏固了凱悅在豪華飯店、生活型態飯店和休閒飯店領域的領導地位。凱悅酒店組合中這些高價值飯店的大幅成長擴展了引人入勝的賓客體驗,可以進一步推動凱悅天地(World of Hyatt)忠誠度計畫在整個凱悅酒店組合中的滲透。 這一成長背後的重要推動力是凱悅宣布對Dream Hotel Group的生活型態飯店品牌和管理平臺進行輕資產收購。該收購預計將把Dream Hotels、Unscripted Hotels和The Chatwal等成熟的生活型態飯店品牌納入凱悅酒店組合。Dream…
伴随对Dream Hotel Group的收购、Caption by Hyatt 品牌的全球扩张以及凯悦全球酒店组合的有机增长,凯悦的转型增长仍在继续 芝加哥--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)--凯悦酒店集团(Hyatt Hotels Corporation, NYSE: H)今天表示,凯悦为2023年及以后的持续转型增长做好了准备。截至2022年底,凯悦全球筹建客房数量达到约117,000间的创纪录水平。值得注意的是,其中近四分之一的筹建酒店为生活方式酒店,占现有酒店总数的10%,进一步巩固了凯悦在豪华酒店、生活方式酒店和休闲酒店领域的领导地位。凯悦酒店组合中这些高价值酒店的大幅增长扩展了引人入胜的宾客体验,可以进一步推动凯悦天地(World of Hyatt)忠诚度计划在整个凯悦酒店组合中的渗透。 这一增长背后的重要推动力是凯悦宣布对Dream Hotel Group的生活方式酒店品牌和管理平台进行轻资产收购。该收购预计将把Dream Hotels、Unscripted Hotels和The Chatwal等成熟的生活方式酒店品牌纳入凯悦酒店组合。Dream…