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Smartphone Shipments Decline for the Fourth Consecutive Quarter with 8.7% Drop in 2Q22 Shipments Amidst Global Uncertainty and Softening Demand, According to IDC

NEEDHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Apple--Worldwide smartphone shipments declined 8.7% year over year in the second quarter of 2022 (2Q22), according to preliminary…

3 years ago

Post Malone and Whatnot Offering $100K Prize for Live Magic: The Gathering Battle

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Whatnot, the largest independent live shopping platform in the U.S., is teaming up with GRAMMY® Award-nominated 3x diamond-certified…

3 years ago

Autonomy Adds Tesla Model Y to EV Subscription Service

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Autonomy™, the nation’s largest electric vehicle subscription company, offering consumers a flexible and affordable way to access…

3 years ago

Loan growth, interest income lead TFS Financial Corporation in third quarter

CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TFS Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: TFSL) (the "Company"), the holding company for Third Federal Savings and Loan Association of Cleveland…

3 years ago

Eight Sleep introduceert de Pod 3: De nieuwste generatie slaapfitnesstechnologie die de slaapkwaliteit tot 32% verbetert

Met behoud van de kenmerkende kenmerken van de Pod, beschikt de nieuwe generatie over 10 keer meer rekenkracht, tweemaal het…

3 years ago

Eight Sleep presenta Pod 3: l’ultima generazione della tecnologia per un sonno ristoratore che può migliorare anche del 32% la qualità del riposo

Senza alterare le funzionalità esclusive del Pod, la nuova generazione del prodotto propone dieci volte la potenza computazionale, un numero…

3 years ago

Eight Sleep präsentiert den Pod 3: Die neueste Generation der Schlaffitness-Technologie, die die Schlafqualität um bis zu 32 % verbessert

Unter Erhaltung der charakteristischen Merkmale des Pods bietet die neue Generation 10-mal mehr Rechenleistung, doppelt so viele Sensoren mit einer…

3 years ago

United States Beverage Market Outlook Report 2022: Inflation, Supply Chains, & Trends in Beverage Consumption –

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "U.S. Beverage Market Outlook 2022: Inflation, Supply Chains, & Trends in Beverage Consumption" report has been added to…

3 years ago

Pensacola Bay Center And ASM Global Select Mobilitie to Deliver Future 5G Smart Venue

Mobilitie to enable 5G technology that will transform fan experience and connectivity with multi-carrier ultra-fast wireless network NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS…

3 years ago

InContext Solutions Now Available on Microsoft AppSource

CHICAGO, July 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- InContext Solutions, a 3D virtual reality platform for retailers and consumer goods manufacturers, today announced…

3 years ago