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Research leveraging SleepScore’s expansive data collection advances science of sleep health across wide variety of themes. CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SleepScore Labs,…
来自Apple Leisure Group的Javier Águila将接替Peter Fulton 芝加哥--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)--凯悦酒店集团(Hyatt Hotels Corporation, NYSE: H)今天宣布新的领导层人事安排,此举旨在推动凯悦在欧洲、非洲和中东(EAME)地区的持续战略增长。 Javier Águila将接替Peter Fulton出任EAME地区集团总裁。Peter Fulton将按计划退休,他在凯悦度过了39年成绩斐然的职业生涯。Águila和Fulton将一起完成平稳周全的工作交接,Águila将在未来几个月内正式上任。 凯悦全球运营总裁Chuck Floyd表示:“凯悦大家庭衷心感谢Peter在近40年职业生涯中对三个全球运营地区的卓越领导和积极影响。自2013年担任EAME/SWA集团总裁以来,Peter领导了该地区的卓越运营并实现了前所未有的增长。” Águila是内部推举的继任者,来自凯悦于2021年收购的Apple Leisure Group…
來自Apple Leisure Group的Javier Águila將接替Peter Fulton 芝加哥--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--凱悅酒店集團(Hyatt Hotels Corporation, NYSE: H)今天宣佈新的領導層人事安排,此舉旨在推動凱悅在歐洲、非洲和中東(EAME)地區的持續策略性成長。 Javier Águila將接替Peter Fulton出任EAME地區集團總裁。Peter Fulton將按計劃退休,他在凱悅度過了39年成績斐然的職業生涯。Águila和Fulton將一起完成平穩周全的工作交接,Águila將在未來幾個月內正式上任。 凱悅全球營運總裁Chuck Floyd表示:「凱悅大家庭衷心感謝Peter在近40年職業生涯中對三個全球業務區域的卓越領導和積極影響。自2013年擔任EAME/SWA集團總裁以來,Peter領導了該地區的卓越營運及前所未有的成長。」 Águila是內部推舉的繼任者,來自凱悅於2021年收購的Apple Leisure Group…
Alibaba, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Google, and Xiaomi All Face New Challenges BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#SA_IntelligentHome--New disruptions to the global component shortage caused…
—CommScope continues to expand its Android TV market share globally— HICKORY, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The quote in the seventh paragraph of release…
Nextech and PC 1 Corp. Enter into Binding Agreement to Complete Qualifying Transaction on the TSX-V Spin Out Asset ARitize…
JERICHO, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Area Development, the leading publication covering site selection and facility planning, recognizes 18 states with its Annual Shovel…
Global online tech retailer supports downtown Los Angeles tech-infused micro amusement park CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#dyinglight2--Newegg Commerce, Inc. (NASDAQ:…
NORWALK, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xerox Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: XRX) announced today the promotion of Joanne Collins Smee to Executive Vice President and…
Eastern Lighting Design, a leading international design firm specializing in broadcast, location and special events lighting, employed nearly 200 versatile, feature-rich…