Volumetric, VR Video Creation Explored At FMS ‘19
Free conference sessions discuss the growing improvement of volumetric and VR video capture and production
Santa Clara, CA – Volumetric, photogrammetry and VR video take center stage at this year’s Flash Memory Summit (FMS) Thursday, August 9 at the Santa Clara Convention Center as content creators and M&E experts explain how the emerging technologies help filmmakers create immersive experiences and traditional content for business applications and consumer entertainment.
The no-cost sessions (https://tinyurl.com/yy94faek) will walk attendees through the technologies, strengths and weaknesses and show real world word examples of recent production projects.
Leading off the sessions award-winning cinematographer Andrew Shulkind and technical creative Andrew Cochrane discuss their most recent work in the field including the project THE 100% which recently received the Tribeca X award. These two immersive entertainment production experts will explain the creative and technical challenges that are many orders of magnitude beyond 4K and 8K projects to more quickly and easily produce entertainment and business training content.
The widely-heralded filmmakers noted that 10TB of content is just the beginning when you’re dealing with today’s volumetric/VR content which easily produce more than 10X the data that has to be quickly captured and reliably stored for interactive, immersive video projects that require a strong blend of narrative focus, artistic savvy and technology problem solving. The Andrews will detail the issues and challenges they each had to overcome for a wide range of brand, studio, business and governmental interactive and immersive projects.
“Virtual reality content creation, cinematic virtual reality and volumetric capture technologies have made tremendous strides in recent years,” Allan McLennan, PADEM Media Group chief executive and conference sessions moderator, noted, “and we’re glad to see FMS management make available sessions that bring together all of the interested parties – content creators and technologists – to discuss the challenges and opportunities available with volumetric and VR video production especially since we will soon have 5G technology available to seamlessly move the data intensive content over the Internet so it can be more widely used and enjoyed.”
McLennan will also moderate a panel of VR filmmakers from Intel and Verizon’s RYOT studios as well content capture, creation and storage experts from Intel, Nvidia and NETINT Technologies. The panel will discuss the increased adoption of VR for commercial and business applications and how volumetric will enhance and enrich spherical video by delivering true realism where viewers can actually move around in 3-D virtual spaces.
While the possibilities of the emerging video technologies are endless, McLennan said he was glad to see FMS provide an opportunity for industry experts to discuss the massive challenge that is often overlooked…what to do with the endless, enormous data files being created by VR platforms.
In addition to the two educational/informational sessions, McLennan will also moderate a special open mic discussion between the panelists and the audience to explore the potential and challenges of everyone being able to live the Ready Player One virtual experience.
In addition to registration for the no-cost Thursday volumetric/VR sessions (https://tinyurl.com/y3jug4kd), the Flash Memory Summit 2019 will also showcase the latest in flash memory design, production and application with over eight simultaneous panel session tracks and 16 keynotes speakers from industry leaders around the globe. Featuring the latest technology trends, new products and a broad range of storage applications including automotive, cloud, enterprise, mobile/wearables that are requiring a new generation of solutions for tomorrow’s organizations and consumers. The event will also include expert table discussions, performance testing opportunities, venture capital opportunities overview and enhanced women in technology sessions.
About the Flash Memory Summit
Flash Memory Summit, produced by Conference ConCepts, showcases the mainstream applications, key technologies, and leading vendors that are driving the multi-billion-dollar non-volatile memory and SSD markets. FMS is now the world’s largest event featuring the trends, innovations, and influencers driving the adoption of flash memory in demanding IoT, smart city, automotive and enterprise storage applications, as well as in smartphones, tablets, and mobile and embedded systems.