7 Types Of Direct Marketing

When you’re trying to get customers to act, nothing is as effective as direct marketing. This type of marketing gives you a direct line of communication to your customers, so you can accurately measure your ROI. Direct marketing covers many of the different marketing channels you will have heard before. Here are 7 types of direct marketing you should consider. 


This is a great option to use when you’re targeting local customers. You can make telephone calls to your customers and directly market your products or services through this medium. You can also use a telemarketing service to track how many customers you’ve contacted and what the conversion rate is, so you know if your campaign is effective.

Email marketing

Email marketing has fast become one of the most popular types of direct marketing because it’s so cost-effective. You don’t need to pay for printing and postage, and you can communicate with your customers directly through your email list. Another great option is to use an autoresponder service that tracks how many people open your email and what they click on, giving you the information you need to improve your marketing campaign.

Text marketing

This type of marketing is a great way to reach customers quickly and effectively. You can use it for SMS text message marketing, so you can get your message in the hands of your customers directly. Just be careful when using this type of direct marketing with autoresponders since they may include an unsubscribe option that will bounce your text messages. If you want to try text marketing, you need the ActBlue SMS platform.

Direct mail

This is an old-school approach to direct marketing, but it still works. It may not be as targeted as email marketing and text marketing, but you can use direct mail to introduce new products or services to your customers and give them the chance to try something new. You just need to make sure that you send out your marketing materials at least 28 days before the trial period is up if you offer a free trial period.

Direct selling

In direct selling, each customer is assigned to a representative from your company. The rep will meet with the customer directly and introduce them to your product or service. You can make this as targeted as you want by offering a free trial period or giving the representative a certain number of contacts to reach each month.

Social media marketing

This is an indirect way to reach your customers since they aren’t always on social media when you’re making the post. However, this type of marketing does allow you to build good relationships with your customers by having discussions with them about their needs. But if possible, avoid sending follow requests to your customers since it can be seen as spam.


If you’re selling a product or service that appeals to people who are researching their options before making a purchase, you can use direct brochures to reach them. Just make sure your contact information is clearly visible on each paper so your customers can get in touch with you easily. Some marketers think that brochures are an outdated way of reaching customers, but they can still provide great results if you get it right. 

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